Sunday, June 26, 2011

Securing Your Internet Life

Greetings all,

We live in a world where information = power, in which if one has enough information he/she can influence/change or manipulate someone life to suit. However its not just about having the information its what some people do with it. Belive it or not, one of the biggest threats that people in the world today face are cyber stalking and cyber harassment which of course is found on social networks such as Linkedin, Myspace and the king of social networks.... dun dun dunn!!! Facebook. One thing i am sure, and i mean VERYYYYYYYYYYY sure that i can take all of the money that i don't have in my wallet and state... out of 10 users who join a social networking site or who are on doesn't examine the privacy policy of these such sites. It is an important part of being proactive about your personal information, because the policy document explains how the website parent company plans to share or not to share maybe,,, the information you provide them with. how do you think spam visits your mailboxes by a miracle ? no, sorry its the internet nothing happens without a reason or a source. Lets get a bit boring and explain the basics of this thing call spamming. Take note that this is the result of a company/companies selling your information or well your accounts get hacked.

Cancellable Usenet spam is a single message sent to 20 or more Usenet newsgroups. (Through long experience, Usenet users have found that any message posted to so many newsgroups is often not relevant to most or all of them.) Usenet spam is aimed at "lurkers", people who read newsgroups but rarely or never post and give their address away. Usenet spam robs users of the utility of the newsgroups by overwhelming them with a barrage of advertising or other irrelevant posts. Furthermore, Usenet spam subverts the ability of system administrators and owners to manage the topics they accept on their systems.

Email spam targets individual users with direct mail messages. Email spam lists are often created by scanning Usenet postings, stealing Internet mailing lists, or searching the Web for addresses. Email spams typically cost users money out-of-pocket to receive. Many people - anyone with measured phone service - read or receive their mail while the meter is running, so to speak. Spam costs them additional money. On top of that, it costs money for ISPs and online services to transmit spam, and these costs are transmitted directly to subscribers.

OOOOOOOOOOOOkKKK bleh boring stuff aside basically what all that mambo jumbo above was stating that at the end of the day, what we put on the internet is logged and recorded like a DVR and basically companies sell your information because information is power and well very valuable as well. Moving on to Passwords........ If it have one thing i am realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllYYYY anoyyyyyed with is when i go/visit my email accounts i see these weird messages from my friends,,,, i am sure you have seen the ,,, HI i just saved xyz on abcd or the HEY omg you just won a zillion dollars etc. Welllllll your account is compromised or is jacked up in layman terms. This process is basically hackers targeting peoples with simple passwords such as their birthdays, age, etc you know the drill. Doing such is a recipe for hack me or use my account as a spamming empire! Honestly probably in another blogg i would state my top ten measures to secure yourself from this but the number one rule which is the most important and most effective one is to ... SET A STRONG PASSWORD ON YOUR ACCOUNTS YAL LAZY BASTARDOS!.. yes my spanish is on point :). The effectiveness of security of increasing the length of a password by just one more letter, symbol or number grows in a very, VERRRRRRRRRRY, steep exponential rate.. (((in Trinidadian lingo.. it go protect ya rass))). The logic is a simple one... For every extra digit you add on to your password you triple, quadruple which basically sets a iron panty on your account from the internet rapists! The longer the password the more effort required to discover it. buuuuuuuuttt the problem with that thou is that longer passwords also means more difficult for us the users to remember it.. trust me I know lol. 

Let me show a little table below to show how long it takes for a hacker to discover your password:

No. of Characters
Possible Combinations
Human Hacker
Computer Hacker
1363 minutes0.000018 seconds
21, 3002 hours0.00065 seconds
347, 0003 days0.02 seconds
41, 700, 0003 months1 second
560, 000, 00010 years30 seconds
103, 700, 000, 000, 000, 000580 million years59 years

Hope you people taken this blog serious because if you don't its the lazy persons that get hacked the easiest!.  To conclude because i don't want the blog over long, setting a password that is complex yet easy to remember takes some thinking but it would save you, embarrassment, fraud, your sanity and provide peace of mind when you set a password that is suited for the filthy internet that we peruse daily bleh.. and just to show that i am not spiting rubbish, for this blog for me to access it i have a 14 character password and for all my social sites/email address i have different passwords. I am extreme about it thou so no need to follow my example but yet again

Victory loves preparation :) thanks for reading and keep tuned !!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Uncle Jack aka Don Jack

Greetings all

Today is a interesting day, today today to to to today... <<< yup that stutering means only one thing... uncle jack.. Would you even think that the man who claimed that he not moving a place <<his words not mines<< has now retired ??? brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr?? and on his retirement he has been cleared from all charges.. biger BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR???????????? Yet again a Trinidadian shows the world that **in meh trini dialect* we bright no A..* LOL.. I swear hon Jack Warner played his cards just how he wanted to do it. Did you really think that he was going to get "lock up" nope never. People fail to realize FIFA handle its affairs on its own, and its a lobbing type system.. fancy word for domesticated mafia system i must say.

On his way: Jack Warner has left his long-term post with FIFA

Honestly Uncle Jack is a Don and I shalt be now referring him as Don Jack if you don't like it ask yuh muda!<< Google ask yuh muda by jack warner for more details<< But on a serious note i personally think that what Don Jack does outside of our country is a foreign matter and we shouldn't be to interested by it because things isn't always what it seems to be. From the Chuck Blazer who points fingers to the Mohammed Bin Hammam who points fingers to everyone then retires to the Sepp Blatter who is like I doh know what going on ask them, to Don Jack who is like ask yuh mudda then all of a sudden Hammam is no where to be found, Chuck Blazer is mumbling words , Sepp Blatter has no opposition for FIFA presidency and now Don Jack Retires. Yup.. sounds like a script to me but not even I Mr Technics is willing to comment further on this foreign affair.

You must remember Don Jack has been with the organisation 30 years so i believe and now he is involved with politics with our country in which i need to share something with you all. Remember when the Unc/Cop/abcdefg alliance came into power it had a issue with Don Jack holding two portfolios? It is written in words of the land that this cannot be but he got * clearance or w.e it was* so that he can perform at both capacities. At the end of the day Don Jack know what he was doing and he know what he needed to be done regarding that and my view on it is like this.

The story of how Don Jack Retired the Trinidadian dialect story.

Don Jack: Eh Hammam you wana go up for FIFA presidency or wut lewee get rid of Sepp
M. Hammam: Hmm REALLY yea yea no scn
Don Jack: niceness hold a lil pocket change they.
M. Hammam: Thanks Jack your the best :D
Don Jack: No scn man laters

Don Jack: picks up phone and makes a call...EH blatter its done
Sepp Blatter: Nice
Don Jack: yea man one more favor then i feel i good with this FIFA thing yes
Sepp Blatter: Well scn things in a gear then fix me and i fix you
Don Jack: word!

M. Hammam: JACK waz that one hoss!!!
Don Jack: ? ask yuh mudda!
M. Hammam: alu real stink jed!!
Don Jack: ? ask yuh mudda!
M. Hammam: **cries** i go fix yuh jack
Don Jack: ? after yuh ask yuh mudda ?

Chuck Blazer: eh M. Hammam doh study it I GO SELL them OUT
M. Hammam: yea yea no scn man
Chuck Blazer: Everyone Don Jack bribe me and he and she and thee and that and it !!!
Don Jack: Where I from informers does disapear eh but go ahead like urself.
Chuck Blazer: I doh care
Don Jack: Word
Sepp Blatter: amm Chuck yuh know i am the President now right?
Chuck Blazer: :O hi Sepp
Sepp Blatter: I good. so what you was saying now ?
Chuck Blazer: ? me what i say ?
Sepp Blatter: scn scn
Don Jack: anwys things hot now so laters fellas i out


End :D

Now this is just my thinking of how the story happened eh and its all alleged so don't take it serious :) thanks for reading.