Thursday, November 3, 2011

Facebook Users BEWARE

Facebook users beware


Today we will cover how nefarious cyber actors are using Facebook mail to target and entice users tospyware-and-malware-1.png click on a link. I’m sure a lot of you are well aware of phishing scams that are either sent to your personal or corporate email accounts.  The security industry has and continues to educate on the importance of not clicking on those types of emails.  Now with the rampant adoption of social networking such as Facebook, you now have the ability to receive Facebook mail. One could argue that it’s not traditional email but that does not matter as this has been an effective way to distribute malware and phishing attacks. Facebook statistics indicate that they have over 800 million users and to a bad cyber actor they can count on a percentage of users that will click on some form of malware. 

According to an article with research provided by BitDefender, almost 97% of Facebook and Twitter users “will blindly click on a link without checking for the presence of malware”. As a security expert, that number isn’t surprising as we sometimes might get a false sense of security with having end-point and network security devices in the corporate network.  However, sometimes that’s not enough, meaning education and awareness is paramount in reducing your risk profile. The following is a real use case of Koobface that was classified as a computer worm but also categorized as a Botnet. Since Social Networking is being allowed in a lot of corporate environments, it’s important that you educate your workforce on examples I’m about to show you.

Be vigilant

I can’t stress enough on the importance of being proactive and not clicking on embedded links in Facebook and other online social networking sites. Not only does this increase the risk of compromise to critical assets within the corporate infrastructure but also personal identifiable information on your home computer. 

Stay tuned 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


ITs amazing how. has become the search engine of choice for millions of internet users, quite frankly sometimes i think its skynet from the terminator series but thats just my own opinion lol ((serious about that thought thou))). 

But Anyhows...

There are some that advertise that they are “better than Google” search engine some day, but for now Google seems to be the best. Giving jack its jacket googles serch algorithym is the best. Part of the reason they are the best is that they keep developing new ways of looking at the internet. This tip however is not to boast or promote google but to list a couple additional features that Google offer us in which i recommend checking out because their always developing and improving their solutions. Need a current event? Forget about the newspaper, use the internet like teenagers do to find stories that are only minutes old. Arguably the best image search engine in the world. Try finding a picture of something today. Looking to make a purchase. Shop and compare prices online first using Google's Product Search. What to check the stock market, try this website for a quick overview. Looking for an up to date map or satellite photo, check out these amazingly easy to manipulate maps and photos. Google has their own video search engine. Find an educational video on the internet that you can play for your class Another project that Google is working on is to create a more efficient way to search scholarly papers. This is a great way to jump into some literature. Check out a book online, read some passages and find out where you can buy a copy.

Brought to you by Mr Technics.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011



OK this message was posted by BLACKBERRY 1hour ago or less.. when you read this please note that we are in the latin americas so now officially we can be on the GREEN and RED network arses cause they stickin cause the service is back up

To All BlackBerry Customers:
I want to first apologize for the service interruptions and delays many of you have been experiencing this week. I also wanted to connect with you directly, give you an update on the service issues we are trying to solve, and answer some of the questions and concerns you’ve expressed.

You’ve depended on us for reliable, real-time communications, and right now we’re letting you down. We are taking this very seriously and have people around the world working around the clock to address this situation. We believe we understand why this happened and we are working to restore normal service levels in all markets as quickly as we can.

Here is the current status of service and issues for the various regions that were impacted:

For Europe, Middle East, India and Africa (EMEIA):

  • Email systems are operating and we are continuing to clear any backlogged messages. Support teams are working to minimize the impact on our customers.
  • BBM traffic is online and traffic is passing successfully
  • Browsing is temporarily unavailable as the Support teams monitor service stability and continue to assess when this service can be safely brought online
  • Support teams have added capacity to help with message delivery between regions and continents

For Canada and Latin America:

  • Email systems are operating and we are continuing to clear any backlogged messages. Support teams are working to minimize the impact on our customers
  • BBM and browsing services are online and traffic is passing successfully (except for three carrier networks in Latin America that are serviced by the EMEIA infrastructure – browsing is temporarily unavailable for those three carrier networks)
  • Support teams are investigating reports of BBM delays

For the U.S.:

  • Email systems are operating and we are continuing to clear any backlogged messages. Support teams are working to minimize the impact on our customers.
  • Support teams have added capacity to help with message delivery between regions and continents
  • BBM and browsing services are online and traffic is passing successfully
  • Support teams are investigating reports of BBM delays

We will provide regular updates on, and via our social channels. We are doing everything in our power to restore regular service everywhere and to restore your trust in us.

Yours sincerely,

Robin Bienfait

Friday, September 2, 2011



Ever wondered how the hell to get the symbols for different flags etc well wish no more here is a blog on how to to display your BBM flag of choice, simply type in the related short code below (e.g. “*two letter country short code*”) into any text field. Please note that some country flags might not be currently supported in BBM. So with that said,,, enjoy flagging up your bbms peoples :D :D

Mr Technics

Afghanistan *AF* Ghana *GH* Palau *PW*
Albania *AL* Georgia *GE* Panama *PA*
Algeria *DZ* Germany *DE* Papua New Guinea *PG*
Andorra *AD* Ghana *GH* Paraguay *PY*
Angola *AO* Gilbratar *GI* People’s Republic of China *CN*
Anguilla *AI* Great Britain *UK* Peru *PE*
Antigua and Barbuda *AG* Greece *GR* Phillipines *PH*
Argentina *AR* Greenland *GL* Poland *PL*
Armenia *AM* Grenada *GD* Portugal *PT*
Aruba *AW* Guatemala *GT* Puerto Rico *PR*
Australia *AU* Guinea *GN* Qatar *QA*
Austria *AT* Guinea Bissau *GW* Republic of Moldova *MD*
Azerbaijan *AZ* Guyana *GY* Reunion *RE*
Bahamas *BS* Haiti *HT* Romania *RO*
Bahrain *BH* Honduras *HN* Russian Federation *RU*
Bangladesh *BD* Hong Kong *HK* Rwanda *RW*
Barbados *BB* Hungary *HU* Saint Kitts and Nevis *KN*
Belarus *BY* Iceland *IS* Saint Lucia *LC*
Belgium *BE* India *IN* Saint Vincent and the Grenadines *VC*
Belize *BZ* Indonesia *ID* Samoa *WS*
Benin *BJ* Iraq *IQ* San Marino *SM*
Bermuda *BM* Ireland *IE* Sao Tome and Principe *ST*
Bhutan *BT* Islamic Republic of Iran *IR* Saudi Arabia *SA*
Bolivia *BO* Israel *IL* Senegal *SN*
Bosnia and Herzegovina *BA* Italy *IT* Serbia and Montenegro *CS*
Botswana *BW* Ivory Coast *CI* Seychelles *SC*
Brazil *BR* Jamaica *JM* Sierra Leone *SL*
British Virgin Islands *VG* Japan *JP* Singapore *SG*
Brunei Darussalam *BN* Jordan *JO* Slovakia *SK*
Bulgaria *BG* Kazakhstan *KZ* Slovenia *SI*
Burkina Faso *BF* Kenya *KE* Solomon Island *SB*
Burundi *BI* Kiribati *KI* Somalia *SO*
Cambodia *KH* Kuwait *KW* South Africa *ZA*
Cameroon *CM* Kyrgyzstan *KG* South Korea *KR*
Canada *CA* Lao People’s Democratic Republic *LA* Spain *ES*
Cape Verde *CV* Latvia *LV* Sri Lanka *LK*
Cayman Islands *KY* Lebanon *LB* St. Pierre and Miquelon *PM*
Central African Republic *CF* Lesotho *LS* Sudan *SD*
Chad *TD* Liberia *LR* Suriname *SR*
Chile *CL* Libya *LY* Swaziland *SZ*
Colombia *CO* Liechtenstein *LI* Sweden *SE*
Comoros *KM* Lithuania *LT* Switzerland *CH*
Congo *CG* Luxembourg *LU* Syrian Arab Republic *SY*
Cook Islands *CK* Macao *MO* Taiwan *TW*
Costa Rica *CR* Madagascar *MG* Tajikistan *TJ*
Croatia *HR* Malawi *MW* Thailand *TH*
Cuba *CU* Malaysia *MY* Timor-Leste *TL*
Cyprus *CY* Maldives *MV* Togo *TG*
Czech Republic *CZ* Mali *ML* Tonga *TO*
Democratic Republic of the Congo *CD* Malta *MT* Trinidad and Tobago *TT*
Denmark *DK* Mauritania *MR* Tunisia *TN*
Djibouti *DJ* Mauritius *MU* Turkey *TR*
Dominica *DM* Mexico *MX* Turkmenistan *TM*
Dominican Republic *DO* Monaco *MC* Turks and Caicos Islands *TC*
Ecuador *EC* Mongolia *MN* Uganda *UG*
Egypt *EG* Montserrat *MS* Ukraine *UA*
El Salvador *SV* Morocco *MA* United Arab Emirates *AE*
Equatorial Guinea *GQ* Mozambique *MZ* United Republic of Tanzania *TZ*
Estonia *EE* Myanmar *MM* United States of America *US*
Ethiopia *ET* Namibia *NA* Uruguay *UY*
Falkland Islands *FK* Netherlands *NL* Uzbekistan *UZ*
Faroe Islands *FO* Netherlands Antilles *AN* Vanuatu *VU*
Federated States of Micronesia *FM* New Caledonia *NC* Venezuala *VE*
Fiji *FJ* New Zealand *NZ* Vietnam *VN*
Finland *FI* Nicaragua *NI* Yemen *YE*
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia *MK* Niger *NE* Zambia *ZM*
France *FR* Nigeria *NG* Zimbabwe *ZW*
French Antilles (temporary) *FR-AN* North Korea *KP*
French Polynesia *PF* Norway *NO*
Gabon *GA* Oman *OM*
Gambia *GM* Pakistan *PK*

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Blackberry Browser Speed Up Tip!!


We all know that the current BlackBerry Browser leaves much to be desired. Until the release of the new Webkit browser we’re stuck with this lackluster one. One gripe that BlackBerry users have with respect to the browser is its speed. Fortunately with a few setting tweaks in browser options you’ll notice a significant increase in your browsing speed.

  1. Launch BlackBerry Browser and select Options from the BlackBerry menu.
  2. Select Browser Configuration from the Browser Options screen.
  3. Deselect Support JavaScript and Save Options from the BlackBerry menu and click Save Options on the BlackBerry menu.
  4. On  the Browser Options page select General Properties.
  5. On the General Properties page scroll down to Image Quality and change that option to Low (faster).
  6. Select Animations and change that value down to either 10 times or Once, then, click  Save Options from the BlackBerry Menu.
It may not seem like much, but these alterations will make a dramatic difference in your browsing experience even while browsing on EDGE (at least it did for me). Now, the caveats to making these changes are that images will be of poor quality. I’d rather take a shorter loading time than pretty pictures. Also, since we disabled JavaScript, certain pages won’t load properly. Usually there’ll be a popup messages asking if you’d like to reload with Java enabled (just for that page), if not, simply click the ‘J’ key and the page will refresh with Java enabled.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I know it has been a while but i have been on lock down with work with our islands ongoing state of emergency.. but all is well for I have faith. I wouldn't be online much but my blogs would be most active.. **yea i know i said that some time ago lol anyways.. here is some good material to ward off the SOE bordum :) enjoy

The Internet chore that just never seems to get easier.
As we spend more of our lives online, we use more of our brains creating and keeping track of Internet passwords.
We need them to access banks, e-mail accounts, social networks, shopping sites, travel sites, loan programs, mortgage statements... The list goes on and on. And, to be extra safe, we need to have a different password for each online account.
It's enough to give any Internet user a World Wide Web-sized headache.
ABC News asked security experts for their advice on creating and managing online passwords. Check out their tips below:

1. Be Complicated.
With all the passwords you have to remember, it can be tempting to keep it simple. But experts say short, basic passwords are a cakewalk for hackers.
"The passwords that are the weakest, that are the easiest for hackers or crackers, are short common words, simple, obvious phrases," said Jeff Fox, technology editor for Consumer Reports.
Cyber criminals often use software to help them figure out passwords, he said, and most programs can run through the most common words in the English language in just a minute or two.
Basic character arrangements, such as "123456" and "abc123," are also definite no-nos, he said.
Photo: Internet Security: Top 7 Tips for Creating and Managing Online Passwords: Expert Advice for Creating, Remembering and Storing Strong Internet Passwords
Getty Images
Tips for creating and remembering strong online passwords.
Even though it means more typing, he said to aim for eight characters or more. The added characters multiply by billions the number of possible passwords criminals have to check.
And the longer it takes hackers to break into your account, the less likely it is that they'll succeed.

Password Checkers Can Help Evaluate Strength

If you want to check the strength of your password, a few online serivces, such as Microsoft's Password Checker and Password Meter are good options.
If you're told that a password is weak, Fox says to strengthen it. He said he recently found that Facebook allows people to use passwords, such as "circus," "victim" and "social," even though it leaves them vulnerable.
2. Try Creative Spellings.
If you have to be complicated, you might as well have some fun with it.
Fox said a way to thwart potential code crackers it to use punctuation marks and other symbols in place of letters.
He suggested choosing words you won't forget, but substituting a "$" for an "S" or a "+" for a "T."
"Obviously, if you use a random set of characters, you can never remember it," he said. "A good thing to do is take a normal word or name and then alter it by putting numbers and punctuation symbols into it somewhere."
For example, if you want to use the word sunshine, use a "1" instead of an "I," he said.
Changes like that are small enough to remember, but significant enough to make life hard for a would-be hacker.

Passwords Can Include Favorite Quotes, Personal Names

3. Make it Personal.
If you're worried about forgetting your growing collection of passwords, experts say you should keep them personal.
"I would use a combination of some personal information backwards," said Avivah Litan, a security analyst for technology research firm Gartner.
Assuming you remember your mother's birthday, she suggested reversing it in the password. A child's name or pet's name are other options.
Litan also said you can use that personal name as the root for a number of online passwords. For example, if your son's name is Daniel, you could use "LIENAD5" for an Amazon account and "LIENAD6" for eBay.

4. Use an Acronym.
Have a favorite phrase or words to live by? Put it to work for you.
Fox said another way to build a password system you won't forget is to take a phrase and turn it into an acronym. You can add extra numbers or characters to the beginning or end to change it up for different online accounts.
Say you use "I pledge allegiance to the flag." "2IPATTF" could be your Google password, "3IPATTF" could be your banking password and so on.
"It allows you to make a lot of passwords and [it's] easy to remember and very hard to crack," he said. "How do you have multiple passwords but not have to remember them all? Well, I use acronyms with numbers but from one account to another, I just change the number."
As long as you remember the acronym, he said, you could even keep a slip of paper in safe place with the names of your accounts and numbers next to them. If someone picked up the piece of paper they wouldn't be able to use it against you because they don't know the key acronym.

5. Try a Password Manager.
If you think your memory needs some high-tech help, you could use one of several password management programs.
Password managers are programs that remember and then recall your passwords for a range of accounts across the Web and, sometimes, across different devices. Instead of remembering anywhere from five to 15 (or more) passwords, you only need to remember the one, super-strong password that protects them all.
RoboForm, which costs $29.95, stores user names, passwords and login URLs in encrypted files but then automatically recalls the necessary credential information as the user surfs the Web. It even works across different computers.
KeePass provides a similar service for free.

Online Security Can Often Start With Common Sense

6. Go Low-Tech.
Despite the high-tech options on the market, some computer security experts say that when it comes to password management, they like to take the low-tech road.
"There's the security issue of putting all of your eggs in one basket," said Fox. Even though a password manager can help protect and remember your many online passwords, if a hacker can figure out that one password, he can get his hands on all of them.
Fox also said that not all programs can supply your passwords across multiple devices. As a man with many machines, he said he probably wouldn't be able to rely on a piece of software.
"I don't think it's a bad idea. It's a matter of personal style," he said, adding that he saves his on a carefully-stored piece of paper.
Litan also said that she recommends a pen and paper over a computer program.
"I recommend you keep them in a paper file. Sophisticated criminals know how to break into your PC; the last thing you want to do is store them in your PC," she said.
If you can password-protect your cell phone or smart phone, she said you could also store your passwords in a note or file there.

7. Shhh! Keep them to Yourself.
It seems like a no-brainer, but experts say it still happens too frequently – after all the hard work they put into creating a strong password, users simply give it away.
"Don't leave your password on a post-it next to your computer or lying around anywhere or give it to anybody on the phone or by email," Fox said. "Many hackers are able to get in and get what they want not through technological means but through getting on the phone and impersonating an official-sounding person."
Be suspicious if an IT officer calls up and asks for a password over the phone or if your bank tells you to send it over e-mail. Most reputable institutions don't ask people for passwords by e-mail anymore, he said.

So be wise peoples lets make it harder for the peoples who are up to know good.. or you can be just oblivious and stupid :) yes harsh words but i have to say it as it is.

Mr Technics

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Idiot Drivers!!!!


I am back !! been a while but I have been under the clock of stress and work combined.. was going to go ablaze on the issues at hand but i wouldn't for now cause i would have enough material to have more blogs coming much sooner..Must say i am kind of stretching myself thin but not thin enough for i am still procrastinating on allot of stuff bahhh.. anyways i would keep this blog short and just insert a vid that I took for a experience I had heading to the airport a night.

Belive it or not this guy had his indicator going the wrong way from since TRINCITY.... now sometimes i guess people forget and what not.. but drivers like him does cause deaths on the road.. just saying!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Securing Your Internet Life

Greetings all,

We live in a world where information = power, in which if one has enough information he/she can influence/change or manipulate someone life to suit. However its not just about having the information its what some people do with it. Belive it or not, one of the biggest threats that people in the world today face are cyber stalking and cyber harassment which of course is found on social networks such as Linkedin, Myspace and the king of social networks.... dun dun dunn!!! Facebook. One thing i am sure, and i mean VERYYYYYYYYYYY sure that i can take all of the money that i don't have in my wallet and state... out of 10 users who join a social networking site or who are on doesn't examine the privacy policy of these such sites. It is an important part of being proactive about your personal information, because the policy document explains how the website parent company plans to share or not to share maybe,,, the information you provide them with. how do you think spam visits your mailboxes by a miracle ? no, sorry its the internet nothing happens without a reason or a source. Lets get a bit boring and explain the basics of this thing call spamming. Take note that this is the result of a company/companies selling your information or well your accounts get hacked.

Cancellable Usenet spam is a single message sent to 20 or more Usenet newsgroups. (Through long experience, Usenet users have found that any message posted to so many newsgroups is often not relevant to most or all of them.) Usenet spam is aimed at "lurkers", people who read newsgroups but rarely or never post and give their address away. Usenet spam robs users of the utility of the newsgroups by overwhelming them with a barrage of advertising or other irrelevant posts. Furthermore, Usenet spam subverts the ability of system administrators and owners to manage the topics they accept on their systems.

Email spam targets individual users with direct mail messages. Email spam lists are often created by scanning Usenet postings, stealing Internet mailing lists, or searching the Web for addresses. Email spams typically cost users money out-of-pocket to receive. Many people - anyone with measured phone service - read or receive their mail while the meter is running, so to speak. Spam costs them additional money. On top of that, it costs money for ISPs and online services to transmit spam, and these costs are transmitted directly to subscribers.

OOOOOOOOOOOOkKKK bleh boring stuff aside basically what all that mambo jumbo above was stating that at the end of the day, what we put on the internet is logged and recorded like a DVR and basically companies sell your information because information is power and well very valuable as well. Moving on to Passwords........ If it have one thing i am realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllYYYY anoyyyyyed with is when i go/visit my email accounts i see these weird messages from my friends,,,, i am sure you have seen the ,,, HI i just saved xyz on abcd or the HEY omg you just won a zillion dollars etc. Welllllll your account is compromised or is jacked up in layman terms. This process is basically hackers targeting peoples with simple passwords such as their birthdays, age, etc you know the drill. Doing such is a recipe for hack me or use my account as a spamming empire! Honestly probably in another blogg i would state my top ten measures to secure yourself from this but the number one rule which is the most important and most effective one is to ... SET A STRONG PASSWORD ON YOUR ACCOUNTS YAL LAZY BASTARDOS!.. yes my spanish is on point :). The effectiveness of security of increasing the length of a password by just one more letter, symbol or number grows in a very, VERRRRRRRRRRY, steep exponential rate.. (((in Trinidadian lingo.. it go protect ya rass))). The logic is a simple one... For every extra digit you add on to your password you triple, quadruple which basically sets a iron panty on your account from the internet rapists! The longer the password the more effort required to discover it. buuuuuuuuttt the problem with that thou is that longer passwords also means more difficult for us the users to remember it.. trust me I know lol. 

Let me show a little table below to show how long it takes for a hacker to discover your password:

No. of Characters
Possible Combinations
Human Hacker
Computer Hacker
1363 minutes0.000018 seconds
21, 3002 hours0.00065 seconds
347, 0003 days0.02 seconds
41, 700, 0003 months1 second
560, 000, 00010 years30 seconds
103, 700, 000, 000, 000, 000580 million years59 years

Hope you people taken this blog serious because if you don't its the lazy persons that get hacked the easiest!.  To conclude because i don't want the blog over long, setting a password that is complex yet easy to remember takes some thinking but it would save you, embarrassment, fraud, your sanity and provide peace of mind when you set a password that is suited for the filthy internet that we peruse daily bleh.. and just to show that i am not spiting rubbish, for this blog for me to access it i have a 14 character password and for all my social sites/email address i have different passwords. I am extreme about it thou so no need to follow my example but yet again

Victory loves preparation :) thanks for reading and keep tuned !!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Uncle Jack aka Don Jack

Greetings all

Today is a interesting day, today today to to to today... <<< yup that stutering means only one thing... uncle jack.. Would you even think that the man who claimed that he not moving a place <<his words not mines<< has now retired ??? brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr?? and on his retirement he has been cleared from all charges.. biger BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR???????????? Yet again a Trinidadian shows the world that **in meh trini dialect* we bright no A..* LOL.. I swear hon Jack Warner played his cards just how he wanted to do it. Did you really think that he was going to get "lock up" nope never. People fail to realize FIFA handle its affairs on its own, and its a lobbing type system.. fancy word for domesticated mafia system i must say.

On his way: Jack Warner has left his long-term post with FIFA

Honestly Uncle Jack is a Don and I shalt be now referring him as Don Jack if you don't like it ask yuh muda!<< Google ask yuh muda by jack warner for more details<< But on a serious note i personally think that what Don Jack does outside of our country is a foreign matter and we shouldn't be to interested by it because things isn't always what it seems to be. From the Chuck Blazer who points fingers to the Mohammed Bin Hammam who points fingers to everyone then retires to the Sepp Blatter who is like I doh know what going on ask them, to Don Jack who is like ask yuh mudda then all of a sudden Hammam is no where to be found, Chuck Blazer is mumbling words , Sepp Blatter has no opposition for FIFA presidency and now Don Jack Retires. Yup.. sounds like a script to me but not even I Mr Technics is willing to comment further on this foreign affair.

You must remember Don Jack has been with the organisation 30 years so i believe and now he is involved with politics with our country in which i need to share something with you all. Remember when the Unc/Cop/abcdefg alliance came into power it had a issue with Don Jack holding two portfolios? It is written in words of the land that this cannot be but he got * clearance or w.e it was* so that he can perform at both capacities. At the end of the day Don Jack know what he was doing and he know what he needed to be done regarding that and my view on it is like this.

The story of how Don Jack Retired the Trinidadian dialect story.

Don Jack: Eh Hammam you wana go up for FIFA presidency or wut lewee get rid of Sepp
M. Hammam: Hmm REALLY yea yea no scn
Don Jack: niceness hold a lil pocket change they.
M. Hammam: Thanks Jack your the best :D
Don Jack: No scn man laters

Don Jack: picks up phone and makes a call...EH blatter its done
Sepp Blatter: Nice
Don Jack: yea man one more favor then i feel i good with this FIFA thing yes
Sepp Blatter: Well scn things in a gear then fix me and i fix you
Don Jack: word!

M. Hammam: JACK waz that one hoss!!!
Don Jack: ? ask yuh mudda!
M. Hammam: alu real stink jed!!
Don Jack: ? ask yuh mudda!
M. Hammam: **cries** i go fix yuh jack
Don Jack: ? after yuh ask yuh mudda ?

Chuck Blazer: eh M. Hammam doh study it I GO SELL them OUT
M. Hammam: yea yea no scn man
Chuck Blazer: Everyone Don Jack bribe me and he and she and thee and that and it !!!
Don Jack: Where I from informers does disapear eh but go ahead like urself.
Chuck Blazer: I doh care
Don Jack: Word
Sepp Blatter: amm Chuck yuh know i am the President now right?
Chuck Blazer: :O hi Sepp
Sepp Blatter: I good. so what you was saying now ?
Chuck Blazer: ? me what i say ?
Sepp Blatter: scn scn
Don Jack: anwys things hot now so laters fellas i out


End :D

Now this is just my thinking of how the story happened eh and its all alleged so don't take it serious :) thanks for reading.

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Roast of Facebook LMAO

Greetings all

Wow is all i can say about this cartoon anime that College Humor did to show if social websites had a roast on Facebook. ITS extremely funny but it also comes with somewhat of well.. the truth. They speak about Facebook being a hoarder of privacy information which you usually have to take off and other stuff. However my highlight about this video is how they would jump on Myspace at every opportunity. LOL.. enjoy the cartoon peoples

Friday, May 27, 2011

My Warrior Decent Into Darkness

Greetings all

For the next couple days I am going to start posting old stuff i had on my Facebook account while i gather content for my blogs for which i want to write more about technologies and the entertainment industry while still maintaining the integrity of my blog of writing what i want, when i want and however I want :D.. anyways happy reading and please follow and give a comment i would appreciate it much !! thanks

My Warrior Decent Into Darkness
 Saturday, July 12, 2008 at 2:28pm edited and reconstructed Saturday, May 8th 2011 1:57am

I cry without tears because of the life that I face. Being hated is something, but not being loved the way you want to be love is another. I carry my mask and dagger all these years to kill those first before they kill me but with such murderous intent i suppressed that killer for only when i need it most. Until i changed and sealed away this killer and now I am a Warrior......................................................................................

I am now a warrior that protects all close to me while loving all beings but many times my pride has been stabbed rapped, and at ever instance destruction is ever present. With such dangers in front of me I have no fear but my almighty God; I face all battles with a smile and shine in the darkest night with a smile. I have face many battles with my enemies that wounded me time and time again yet still i fought back and win without remorse because my fury is mighty. Nights would come all i can do is cry without tears because showing it is opening myself for my enemies to defeat me without mercy. A day came where i was injured so bad that i couldn't even defend myself, but yet still i fought a losing battle. Is it Ignorance that drives me? YES!! it is my motivation to overcome all that is against me but when a warrior is limited to movement his pride diminishes. Until one day I was faced with the battle of my life. This battle was fiercer than non I have ever faced, because my friends was dying or turning against me. People I considered close was deserting me and people i loved either didn't love me the same or just abandoned me...........................................................................................................

I was trapped in a corner of faith in which every decision can be my last. Tears finally came into my eyes in which i was shocked because these tears were tears of blood. I was pounded into that corner broken both physically and emotionally, my life flashed before my eyes as I told myself that I have failed. Then a sudden strength was surging trough my body. Knowing I cannot let it out I somehow got up with tears of blood coming out my eyes as I exalted my last warrior cry!! ((ROAR)) my battle cry can be heard for miles and miles apart as I ripped the seal that has been holding me back. The monster that carries the mask and dagger with anger that can kill you at an instant. Falling to the ground the sky wasn't the same. My limbs was useless as I was on my last. The monster that I have been holding back for so long awoke and rushed to my rescue. Out my chest he flew out and garbed me from hitting the ground that had my tears of blood stained all over my carcass. He fights for only his master he told me, and rested me on the ground and rushed my enemies. It was like they couldn't touch him, he fought without any harm being placed against him. His murderous intent was so fierce that my enemies temporally retreated while he killed off any stragglers. He then came back for my lifeless body and possessed me bringing me back to life. I got up Screaming and Bawling destroying everything in my part, i flew to the sky and fought the clouds knowing i couldn't do any harm to it. I am changed, i told myself. I am no longer the warrior I was once, for I am Stronger now. 

Such strength is unbelievable, but with such strength I realized that I am lonely alone. I always knew this but now i am literally by myself. My few surviving enemies watched far from their island as one flew out and slammed strait into my chest. The air behind me roared, buildings denigrated yet still, i did flinch not. I watch this new stronger enemy with pride but then he laughed with confidence for he had flew into my chest with such force for a reason. I watched my bloodstained chest in which i realized that it had fresh blood stains on my chest. I screamed what the Hell you have done to me!!! With a smirk on its face it said, you are stronger now yes indeed, but i have now sealed the monster into your spirit indiscriminately hence you cannot seal him away anymore, You may have the strength to fight us now but you would suffer for the rest of your life and would always fail and eventually....................... you would die a painfully death with no bonds or bloodline, your life would be full of depression and sunder. I leave you now but every day from now i would bring you down.................. floating in open air I made myself one promise that someday I would defeat my enemies and become the person i once was but stronger,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Manchester Vs Barcelona (my opinion)

Greetings all

Honestly ....







End off blogg..


P.S i am a Chealsea DIE HARD FAN... A Real Madrid Appreciator and a Inter Milan considerer :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Job Security/Politics 2k11 in T&T

Greetings all

 So the Cop/Unc alliance had their 1 year anniversary. They speaking about their successes, and how much they care, and their saying so many publically correct things made me think one thing…… BS.. I SWEAR since this new government they have done nothing but stress this island. They talk about change, change change, and more flipping change, but I must say change did come indeed. The change that they blatantly was bringing in their own peoples in high positions (Shhh they may be taping this blog), man I not even putting much effort into this blog because this prime minister of ours saying that since the CHANGE, came jobs availability has increased and lolol.. Sorry it’s just unbelievable yes…

To me right now, young people and old worried about their futures because peoples losing their jobs easier than them saying PNM in every sentence. Contracted workers in the Ministries, which is like 75percent (may be wrong)  of our workforce now have to 1) 6months prior their contracts being terminated. 2) When they see their position they have to reapply mine you for your same position. 3) Go home and hold a burn 4) hope that you are called for and interview (yup for your same position lol) 5) 90% chance of holding a burn, salt or hard luck go home. Now it was stated that this is a process to weed out unqualified persons in the government but ammm.. to me contracted individuals are persons who have either rare, or are very qualified or specialized in their trade, skill or talent, and yet still the statement, “taking away unqualified persons out” the workforce is used?. MANNN it’s so much BS it’s frustrating because now since that everyone being given a “chance” there is no job security again huh ???? well… seams not because now, banks not doing house loans for contracted workers or anything outside of their assigned contracts,  and if they feel to tell you HOLD A BURN.. the banks have all rights because hey people losing their jobs just as fast as well.

I said I wasn’t going to put much effort into this blog but I have to end it by saying, the only thing I see this government doing is creating a Racial Devide, favoritisms, and nothing being done for the people of Trinidad and Tobago, and quite frankly the only person I respect in the Cop/Unc alliance is Hon Jack Warner, quite frankly the man don’t matter what he did,,, he is a BOSS and the only person that seems to be fulfilling his promises and actually being proactive yes. Crime still crappy... even worst even, food prices never go down, rent high, man cost of living just sigh… anyways.. I fed up.. I gone

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Support the locals (Vent)

Greetings all

You know its been a while since my first blog i wrote something and i promised myself that i will be posting some more stuff but procrastination always takes me.. but not really, its just that i don't really own my timings these days. One thing that I have noticed in Trinidad and Tobago is that ... we really don't like our culture.. no really.. we don't... Check it. I noticed a day ((((without any influences i may add))) that our culture is so diverse, so mixed, so complexed and inspired by so much foreign influences that our culture/identity is well... lost. We dress like what we see on BET or MTV, follow the new slangs from the wiz khalifa,, (((((who in which i really don't like because he promotes allot of negative stuffs.. but you know what, women love to be called bitches and hoes while smoking weed so never mind)))) but at the end of the day OK, i accepted that outside elements influenced our society ok cool, but yet still, what is our culture? Honestly if i was to get into the roots to our culture it would go into things like slavery/banana republic etc but i wouldn't.. at least for this blog.

Back to the story at hand.

Everyone knows that i have various business ideas/ventures,,, its not a secret I hold but why when a brother decides to actually do something anything, may it be become and entertainer may it be hip hop or anything outside of the norm, to a small businessman to even hey a doubles man, there is always one ethnic idiot (((i wan't to say donkey but I wouldn't))) will always try to keep you down or go any lengths to keep you from success?. is it a crab in the barrel mentality that our slave masters left us with thats .. wait i said that out loud hmmm my bad. *rephrases* is it that unless your endorsed by some big company (local or foreign) its not considered good or poor or "lol what do he/she boy". This upsets me,, no really it pisses me off seriously because here we talk about becoming a 1st world country when were still stuck at a 3rd world ((((in my view even lower)))) mentality how do we expect to ... anyways i getting emotional.. *follows original trend*.

Supporting our locals  has always been a niche in our society. It seems as I said on multiple occasions that once its foreign its good, once its local its well stool... not stating anything else to cover it up because thats the reality. Yes I must say it have businessmen, entertainers or w.e service or product providers in Trinidad and Tobago which there product/service/ is very very poor, but yet still it have many others who strive for excellence and try to produce not just local excellence but also meet international standards and ofc i will give
and example...

For a while now i wanted to talk about this video but sadly i didn't know the name of it :( This remix is BAMF!! and if you don't know what BAMF means, kindly utilize the google tool. Turn It Up (Remix) Tim Starr, Jahmoun, 3Suns, Meet Source & Squeezy Ranking man oh man... when i first heard this tune i was like :OOO BOOOM! I swear it was some foreign guy that teamed up with locals but shamefully i realized its purely local which i smiled and sighed the same time. Smiled for the fact that yet again locals striving for excellence produced a tune thats very marketable, but sighed to the fact that outside of this team up each one of them locally is guaranteed that they aren't 24/7 Entertainers in which they need to hold on to another job to support their dreams.... but on towards my point. Local entertainers especially suffer the most once there not singing Soca,,, and even if their singing Soca its hard for them to even get booked a show, product sold or even well make any money. Hey at the end of the day its all about dollars and cents and its a business. Yes their producing something that we can download for free yes cause its local ? NO.. thats plain ....*bites tongugery*. When you watch the lifestyles of Rihanna, Neyo, Busta Rymes, Drake etc. They boast and coast their riches because its no doubt that they worked hard for it right? for free ? yes and no.. Yes they would do charity shows etc but when you watch how hard they work because its been made a demand that they produce music because it have paying customers to attend their shows, buy their cds or merchandises. The international community understands this but why cant we (locally). I have seen many upcoming and even seasoned entertainers struggled for years trying to make a living for the ungrateful society and the minute they ponder on saving some cash and deciding to take their talents to *America/Europe*  they either hit it BIG or actually have a lifestyle they can live on rather than hustling multiple jobs while trying to invest in their artistry.... Hey honestly we don't have any excuses, because when you go to the clubs, and you see peoples buying bottles of Nuevo or w.e drink, dressed to kill in brand * foreign* named clothing and representing them like if they are their marketing agents by saying "Gucci" I am rocking talk naw!! <<<slang<<< ask yourself this... Do these people actually know you ?

To end this note I know that our culture is somewhat changing to accept our locals but thats in its minority... Our current mind set towards any product produced locally, from clothes to entertainers to the shoe maker around the corner is simply, outcasts that needs to go get a steady job...

Thanks for Reading this blog .. thats if you even read all my rubbish above :/.. and I would like to say look out for this upcoming artist Lil Saint and Andreew Prescod. Local talent at its best i must say. Listening to this tune a while now, in which finally i heard it on the radio for which i smiled because i am always happy for any success for my people, because every little counts. Keep at it !

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Local Entertainment (episode 1)

Greetings all.

My first official blog in which i must say i needed to try something to get my views across somehow,,, with the hope someone actually reads em... anyways. On this small island called Trinidad and Tobago we see life from the television. Now its a good and bad but lets not get to deep into that for now. Talent comes in many forms but in T&T we really don't appreciate our locals .. like really we don' another story. Working alongside DLL Productions he opened my eyes to a world where a man decided that he will give up everything to do what he believes in.. and what he believes in comes with sacrifice in this island, music. I would like to get more indept about DLL Productions but i must share this video which he produced for a dude name Tahir, hope to meet him or at least have a conversation with him one day so i can see where his head is at because the fella has some skills i must say.

Tahir - My Girl

Moving right along....

To be a music producer or just dealing with music production/entertainment on the whole is a challenge because we see things in this way..... once its local its rubbish... but when i see peoples like Chromatics, Guitar Dan, 868 Nebula, mayne it puzzles me why our local artits are struggling to make it like seriously we really don't know how to appriciate our own ??? Now.. don't get me wrong I love soca music however honestly its gets annoying after a while for me for i don't really care who hates me for saying this but it have few soca artists i will listen to whole year and 1 of those few is Mr Machel Montano.. say what you like about him, the man is a boss.. he produces hits every year (for 35 years i believe) and its music you can listen to on the fly and not just during carnival season, so for those soca artists who complain about not hearing their music during the year, work more cry less. anyways... on to Chromatics


I have a respect for this man for which he was one of the first pioneers of doing what he wanted to do and how he wanted to do it. He sings Hip Hop/Rap/R&B , real name Matics stage name Chromatics.. hey thats the man name so don't ask lol... Anyways... I first heard him in a local band for i was like mann!!!... he sounds like a angry trini! lol,, but as time proceeded and he ventured on his own his music began evolving to a point now i always tell myself anytime i hear him, thats commitment!!.. I say that because if you know this dude quite frankly this guy faced many upsets dealing with the local radio stations, to promoters to false friends towards his art. Traditionally we are a banana republic like it or not............ ok slight sarcastic humor there but we still carry that mentality... Soca or Calypso is deep whiten our culture so it would be hard for us to accept our own actually making foreign music into our own culture,,, wait wait,,stop.. i like Jay z , Busta Rymes, Chris Brown, even oh helll Micheal Jackson!!!!!!!!!!*moon walks*!!! so why is it we can't accept our own singing the same type of music with the Caribbean swag we all love and cherish ? Are we still bent into the banana republic mentality that we can't escape the cycle that we cannot appreciate our own???... hmmm i used the banana republic slang again :S my bad..I kid I kid but when you think about it,,, i don't regret it because when i see artists like Chromatics striving to make a dollar the legal way it hurts me because, its a business and as a small businessman it hurts.

YESS I SAID IT HURTSs because i have a small business as well ((shameful plug Mario Technics)) and other ventures in technology,fashion,events etc anwys.. not straying form the point, nothing in this wooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrllldddddddd is harder than trying to make something of yourself because i don't kno if its all over the world but OMGGGGGGGGG TRINIDADIANS LOVEEEEEEEEEE TO KEEP ANOTHER TRINIDADIAN DOWN..... once your out of the system and trying to do things on your own.. your not good enough or, this company has it better, or this website etc,, like WDF give me a chance test my goods or services you may actually like it, damm even mamaguy me (( for the foreigners mamaguy or mamagusim is more or less making someone believe something or they are someone that they are note... :// of sort )))) and listen to what i have to say. I am sure any small ((trini)) businessman can give a testimonial about how hard it is to survive on your own.. WORST YET in the music industry dammmm thats not nice,,, its not nice when you have organisations and companies who wouldn't play your music because its not commercial enough or it sounds to local.. yes i actually heard that word before... and you know what i can go on and on about this but its not going to change in a flash, its going to take years of talking, and promoting, and pfft honestly i don't think our backward fellow Trinidadians can change but i believe time heals and once it have people like chromatics battling hard for what he/she believes in, others will follow. Chromatics keep up the good work *salute*

On other Topics.. this week i will be doing my weekly "BIG UPS" and this week goes to nebula868. *salute* you all have come a long way from rolling in a foreign used car to rolling in a sunny lol.. honestly i wasn't a fan until i heard that sound which it took a while to gain my favor but it eventually soaked in and thats whats music is about!. The Confidence tune .. YESSSSSSS i rate it well done fellas keep it up.. and do not become to americanized in your music following is a good thing, but stick to the basis of originality which y'all do very well i must say and hey,, the world is at grasps

Nebula868- Confidence

This is the end of my first post and stay tunned,, i got them cracker stories and reviews on technology stuffs, fashion shows, parties etc byes for now
