Friday, June 15, 2012

You Decide the PSA by MNS


Here are 2 PSA projects done by local personalities, artistes etc that Tries to deliver a message to the undeliverable society we have today. I hold no hesitation for sometimes I feel that our society is lost and is going down the curb of destruction and unhappiness for which I for one have accepted. But with all hope lost I still have Faith that with the right encouragement and with the right help we can still make a difference.

The Ministry of National Security National Drug council had a program called You Decide which was inspired and planned by yours truly. This blogg wouldn't be a long well versed one in which the content is mainly the videos involved.

The long (bit noisy) Version

The Poster

The short TV add version.. ((the cooooolll one ))

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Mr Technics aka Mario Baird

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